IEC<Animation Loop>Tutorial

#Content editor #Blank Canvas #General production #basic difficulty

Please note: The basic template "Animation Loop" was created following this tutorial!

1. Basic Info

  • [Difficulty]:⭐

  • [Applicable Products]:Universal

  • [Interaction]: Click

  • [Number of Interactions]: 1 Step Rediect

  • [Threads]: Single-threaded

  • [Core Assets]: Video (1 segment/loopable)

  • [Features]:Animation-Flash, Animation-Displacement Easing, Event-Press to Redirect to app store

2.Effect Preview

Best experience for playable on mobile devicesVertical screenHorizontal screen

Scan to play

3. Gameplay Overview

Before starting the production, we need to outline the gameplay logic for this case:

  • Upon entering the trial version, the initial screen displays a dynamically animated scene with worms crawling all over the cake.

  • Operation instructions appear, guiding players to click on the screen to spray insecticide.

  • When players press anywhere on the screen, they will be redirected to the app store.

4.Production Approach

Core Concept: Minimize the number of animations and events within each scene, maintain clear logic in scene segmentation, and keep the layer structure simple.

Scene Segmentation: Based on the gameplay overview in Part Three, we determine that only one scene is needed for this case.

Scene NameScene 1 - Inducing Click

Visual Rendering

Scene Description

The dynamic scene plays in a loop, guiding players to click and drive away the insects.


[Insecticide (represented by a guiding finger)]: Displacement Easing

[Guiding Text]: Flash

Core Events

Trigger Object: Layer - Group Node (Screen size should be sufficient)

Trigger Event: Press

Response Event: Redirect to app store

Asset List

[Audio]: Background music, click sound effects

[Image]: Background image, insecticide (finger), guiding text background image, logo, CTA button

[Text]: Guiding text, download text

5. Production Guidelines

Step 1 - Scene Setup

β…°. Global Settings

Add background music and background image in the "Global Settings" section.

β…±. Scene 1

1οΌ‰Add the following assets to "Scene 1": video, sound effects, guiding finger (insecticide), guiding text, logo, CTA button.

2οΌ‰Adjust the position and size of each asset accordingly.

3οΌ‰Group, arrange, and name the assets based on their types.

Step 2 - Animation Production

β…°. Guiding Text

Select the "guidanceText" in the left layer and add an animation effect - Emphasize - Flash. Set the parameters as follows:

β…±. Insecticide Spray (Hand)

Select the insecticide spray image 【hand】 in the left layer and add an animation - Universal - Displacement Easing. Set the parameters as follows:

Step 3 - Logic Settings

β…°. Layer Event - Group Node

1οΌ‰Select the group node (Note: Since we need to set a full-screen press event to redirect to the app store, the range of the group should be large enough; alternatively, you can directly set the scene event in Scene 1, following the same steps);

2οΌ‰Add event - Press;

3οΌ‰Add response event - Redirect to app store;

4οΌ‰Other response events: Set postback event / Report the end of the playable ads / Play click sound effect from the beginning.

β…±. Layer Event - CTA Button

Select the button group and add an event - Press. Add a response event - Redirect to app store.

Step 4 - Overall Preview

β…°. Landscape Layout

After completing the vertical layout for each scene, it is recommended to perform landscape layout (using the "Reuse Vertical Position and Size Configuration" button frequently).

β…±. Screen Adaptation

Perform screen adaptation for various device models and their orientations (portrait and landscape), and preview to check if the adaptation is appropriate.

β…². Overall Preview

After completing the entire production, you can perform an overall preview for different device models, languages, and orientations (portrait and landscape).

6. Demo Screen Recording

Note: This video is a demonstration recording of the tutorial mentioned above. It includes only visual content and does not have audio narration.

The video provides a detailed record of the step-by-step process of Blank Canvas in this case. The demonstration speed has not been adjusted significantly, making it convenient for you to view and learn. If you are already familiar with a particular step, you can skip it as needed.

Furthermore, below the demonstration recording, we have provided a complete set of assets used in this case. Click on the compressed file to download it. You can use these assets to follow the tutorial and try creating your own content, enabling you to get familiar with using the Content editor more quickly.

Last updated