Response Event

#Content editor

💡Use of Response Events

1.Adding Response Event

1)After adding a trigger event, click the "Add response event" button.

2)Click "Select response event" to open the response event type options.

3)Based on the gameplay and asset requirements, select the appropriate response event for configuration.

Note: The response event type options only display assets/animations added in the current scene.For example, if no animations are set in Scene 1, the response events related to animations will not be displayed when selecting response event types.

2.Editing/Replacing Response Event

Clicking the icon button allows you to edit or replace the already added response events.

3.Deleting Response Event

Clicking the icon button allows you to delete the current response event.

4.Filtering Response Event

When you have a large number of response events in your project, you can use the filtering function to quickly find and modify the target response events.

1)Click the icon button to open the response event filtering window.

2)Check the desired response event categories and click "Apply."

3)To revert back to displaying all response events, click "Clear all."

💡Classification of Response Events

Response events include 13 types:[Redirection and postback], [Layer], [Timer], [Event], [Others], [Sound Effects], [Video], [BGM],[Single Animation], [All Animations], [Sequence], [DragonBone]and [Particles].

ImageResponse EventResponse Events Included

Redirection and postback

Redirect to the specified scene

Redirect to the next scene

Redirect to app store

Report the end of the playable ads

Set Tracking Event


Set location

Set scale

Set rotation

Set width

Set height

Show/hide layer

Set transparency

Set color


Execution delay

Cancel execution delay


Enable events

Disable events


Screen jitter

Assign the value

Retry Playable

Single Animation

Play a single animation

Pause a single animation

Continue playing a single animation

All Animations

Play all animations from the beginning

Resume all animations

Pause all animations


Display particle effect

Pause particle effect

Turn off particle effect

Particle color


Play sequence frame

Pause Sequenc


Play DragonBone

Pause DragonBone


Play video from the beginning

Continue playing video

Pause the video

Sound Effects

Play sound

Continue playing sound

Pause sound


Play background music from the beginning

Continue playing background music

Pause the background music

1.Redirection and postback

1)Redirect to the specified scene:Select the target scene for redirection.

2)Redirect to the next scene:Redirect to the scene based on the order in the left scene area.

3)Redirect to app storeThis is a necessary event that must be set for each project. Depending on the creative needs, this response event should be added at the appropriate moment to ensure that the playable material can successfully redirect to the product store page after being deployed.

4)Report the end of the playable adsOnce set, this event will report playable ads completion when the trigger event it is associated with occurs. It is typically set on the last interaction step (this setting is mandatory for Mintegral and Vungle channels).


5)Set Tracking Event:Select a Tracking ID and edit the tracking name.

Note: The maximum limit for tracking IDs is 15, but multiple tracking events can be set under the same ID with the same tracking name. Modifying one will automatically modify others with the same ID.

*How to add custom tracking?

When adding a response event "Set Tracking Event" for a trigger event, this response event serves as a "custom tracking." Users can add multiple "custom trackings" based on their creative needs and materials.

For example, to add an event "Press" on the download button group - add response event "Set Tracking Event" - select the tracking ID as 1 - edit the tracking name as "Player Pressed Download Button." This way, a custom tracking is successfully added.

Related information: Tracking Explanation Quick Positioning


1)Set location/Set scale/Set rotation/Set width/Set height/Set transparency/Set color: After selecting the corresponding event, continue by selecting the response object and adjusting the corresponding parameters.

Note: We generally recommend not using the "Set location" response event because it represents the layer's "absolute position," which is a fixed value and does not automatically adapt to changes in screen orientation or different device models. This may lead to misalignment of layers on some devices. We suggest using "Show/hide layer" to achieve similar effects.

2)Show/hide layer: After selecting the event, continue by selecting the response object and its "show/hide" status.

For example, if you want to hide the guide finger when the player presses the screen, you can use this response event to hide the guide.


1)Execution delay: Set the "delay time," which defaults to 0s.

2)Cancel execution delay: Select the timer ID to cancel, which corresponds to the timer name edited when setting the "execution delay."


After setting an event, it is enabled by default.

1)Disable events: Select the event from the added events, and the selected event will be disabled and no longer take effect.

2)Enable events: Re-enable a previously disabled event.


1)Screen jitter: It creates a screen vibration effect, typically used as feedback for player errors or game failures.

After selecting this option, edit the duration of the screen shake, jitter frequency, and maximum jitter distance.

2)Assign the value: Select the corresponding global variable, mathematical operation, or operand.

Note: This response event needs to be based on already added Global Variables and used in conjunction with "Condition" (refer to the specific usage in the Global Variables feature introduction document).

3)Retry Playable: When triggered, it restarts the trial playthrough from the beginning.

6.Single Animation

When a layer has multiple animations added, this response event can be used to control the playback of individual animations.

1)Play a single animation: Select the response object and the specific animation to play.

2)Pause a single animation: Select the response object and the specific animation to pause.

3)Continue playing a single animation: Select the response object and the specific animation to resume.

7.All Animations

When a layer has one or more animations added, and these animations are intended to achieve the same effect that can be controlled collectively, this response event can be used to control the playback of all animations on that layer.

1)Play all animations from the beginning: Just select the response object.

2)Resume all animations: Just select the response object.

3)Pause all animations: Just select the response object.


1)Display particle effect: Simply select the response object.

2)Pause particle effect: Simply select the response object.

3)Turn off particle effect: Simply select the response object.

4)Particle color: After selecting the response object, click on the color block icon to choose the particle birth color.

Note: After adding a particle effect, the default parameter is set to "Auto Play Once." To modify it, select the particle effect layer and adjust the parameters in the right-side parameter area.


1)Play sequence frame: Select the response object, choose whether to loop the sequence, set the number of times to play, enable play back and forth, and decide whether to hide the sequence after it finishes playing.

Note: " Play back and forth" means playing the sequence forward once and then playing it in reverse once, which counts as one cycle. Play back and forth is only available when the "Cycles" is greater than 1.

2)Pause Sequenc: Simply select the response object to pause.

Note: After adding a sequence, the default parameter is set to "Auto and Loop Play." To modify it, select the sequence layer and adjust the parameters in the right-side parameter area.


1)Play DragonBone: Select the response object, specify the animation name, choose whether to loop the animation, and set the playback speed.

2)Pause DragonBone: Simply select the response object to pause.

Note: After adding a DragonBone asset, the default parameters are "Auto Play" and "Playback Speed: 1s." To modify them, select the DragonBone layer and adjust the parameters in the right-side parameter area.


1)Play video from the beginning: Select the response object, set the number of times to play, choose whether to loop the video, and decide whether to keep the last frame of the video after it finishes playing.

2)Continue playing video: Simply select the response object.

3)Pause the video: Simply select the response object.

Note: After adding a video asset, the default parameters are "Auto Play 1 Time" and "Keep Last Frame." To modify them, select the video layer and adjust the parameters in the right-side parameter area.


1)Play sound: Select the response object, choose whether to loop the audio, and set the number of times to play.

2)Continue playing sound: Simply select the response object.

3)Pause sound: Select the response object and decide whether to pause all sound effects in the current scene after pausing the audio.

Note: After adding an audio asset, the default parameter is "Do Not Auto Play." To modify it, select the audio layer and adjust the parameters in the right-side parameter area.


1)Play background music from the beginning

2)Continue playing background music

3)Pause the background music

Last updated