Guidelines for Template Content Creation

#Content Editor #Template Content Creation

πŸ“’Operations Supported for Template Iteration

When you use a template for Content Creation, replacing assets is just a basic operation; there are actually many aspects that can be adjusted. Therefore, the same template can generate numerous iterative versions of playable materials. We encourage you to experiment more!

Below is a summary of the main operations supported for template iteration:

Iteration OperationSupported Production MethodsApplicable Templates

Modify preset "Gameplay Parameters"

Feature Creation & Content Creation


Replace Assets

Feature Creation & Content Creation


Hide Assets

Feature Creation & Content Creation


Adjust Asset Size

Feature Creation & Content Creation


Adjust Asset Position/Layout

Content Creation


Add New Assets

Content Creation


Add New Scene(s)

Content Creation


Adjust & Add New Animations

Content Creation


Adjust & Add New Events

Content Creation


Adjust Quick layout (Grid Board Layout)

Content Creation

Some Elimination/Puzzle Gameplay

Adjust Quick layout (Parking Layout)

Content Creation

Spatial Puzzle Parking Gameplay

Adjust Components

Content Creation

Templates with Various Components

⭐Case Preview: Original Template [Tile Games] vs. Iterated After Content Creation (If you want to view the specific content of the iterated demo, please contact your AM to push this demo to your Playturbo account.)

πŸ“’Guidelines for Adjusting Flexibility

When using a template for "Content Creation":

  • If there is relevant content in the "Gameplay Template" section (as shown in the left image), it means that the core gameplay of that template is controlled by code, and there are certain limitations when making adjustments.

  • If there is no relevant content in the "Gameplay Template" section (as shown in the right image), it means that the template does not involve any code, and you can freely adjust it.

πŸ’‘Whether a template includes "Gameplay Template" can be found in Latest News on Playable Templates

1.Not allowed to adjust freely

1οΌ‰Templates that include "Gameplay Template" have their core gameplay controlled by code. Making arbitrary adjustments to such templates may result in errors and prevent them from functioning properly.

Therefore, we recommend referring to the following guidelines for adjustment flexibility when modifying templates.

Corresponding OperationGeneral SceneGameplay Template

Replace Assets



Add New Assets


Not Recommended (Allowed in General Scene)

Add New Scenes

Allowed (without affecting core gameplay)

Not Recommended (Allowed in General Scene)

Other Non-Deletion Operations (e.g., adjusting asset position/size, hiding assets)


Not Recommended (Avoid major adjustments if possible)

Delete Assets/Layers

Not allowed; it is recommended to use "Hide" instead

Completely not allowed; high risk of errors, recommend using "Hide" instead

Adjust Layer Structure

Not recommended; proceed with caution

Strongly not recommended; high risk of errors

Modify Layer Naming

Not recommended; proceed with caution

Strongly not recommended; high risk of errors

Adjust Animation

Allowed (if relevant animation parameters are available)

Not recommended; proceed with caution

Add Animation


Not recommended; proceed with caution

Adjust Event

Allowed (if relevant event parameters are available)

Not Supported

Add Event


Not Supported

2οΌ‰Whether or not the parameters related to the core gameplay of a specific template can be adjusted primarily depends on the "Gameplay Parameters" section in the parameter area.

Taking the template "Catch your coupon" as an example: Its "Gameplay Parameters" allow adjustments to "Extra Redirections," "Number of element and object shown," and "Element cycle movement speed." However, if users want to adjust the spacing between elements during the carousel, it is not supported for customization.

For other operations, please refer to the recommendations provided in the table above.

2.Supported for free adjustments

A small number of templates are completed independently by designers and do not involve code, allowing for free adjustments. Currently, these templates are as follows:

Template NameMethodCategory

Battle,Strategy deployment

1V1 battle,Strategy deployment,Tower defense


Decoration,Item display


Match 3- classical


1V1 battle,Solitaire


Choice,Social simulator


Social simulator


Random merge,Social simulator

Eyesight challenge,Painting

Detective,Coloring,Scratch card

Eyesight challenge,Painting

Detective,Scratch card



Gacha / Lucky draw

Gacha and lucky draw

Management,Reflex and reaction

Management,Reflex and reaction


Random merge




Item display,Social simulator

Other tools and apps

Apps simulator




Decoration,Item display



Display,Mindless fun

Item display,Simulation

Display,Other tools and apps,Social

Item display,Social simulator,Apps simulator


Item display


Choice,Decoration,Item display

Gacha / Lucky draw

Gacha and lucky draw

Decoration,Eyesight challenge


Mindless fun


Display,Mindless fun

Item display,Simulation


Choice,Item display




Decoration,Item display

Gacha / Lucky draw

Gacha and lucky draw

πŸ“’Guidelines for Asset Replacement

1.Asset Replacement Tips

When replacing assets, there are two efficient methods to choose from for your creation:

1οΌ‰Feature Creation - General Creation

  • Select the template and then choose "Feature Creation - General Creation."

  • Complete all asset replacements within the "Feature Changer," and then "Copy to Ad Editing" for iteration.

2οΌ‰Content Creation

  • Select the template and then choose "Content Creation."

  • Click on "Project Assets" and upload all the assets that need to be replaced into the project assets at once, making future asset replacements more convenient.

Tips: If the same asset appears in multiple scenes and you want to replace all of them, you can select the asset within the "Project Assets" window and click "Replace Asset." This way, you can quickly complete the replacement for all scenes at once!

2.Unable to find a specific layer?

πŸ’‘ When using a template for "Content Creation" and you want to adjust a specific layer but can't find it, follow these steps:

1οΌ‰For product information or other persistent elements: Click on "Global Settings" and search for it in the layer area on the left side.

2οΌ‰For regular elements: Click on the corresponding "Scene" and search for it in the layer area on the left side, or directly click on the corresponding layer on the canvas.

3οΌ‰If the layer is not found in the layer area, it may be located within the "Gameplay Template": Click on the Top Asset Library >>> Gameplay Template >>> Edit gameplay/Quick layout to search for it.

⚠️Some assets of very few templates may not be available in the "Gameplay Template" either. This is because those assets are controlled by code and cannot or should not be modified in Content Editor. Modifying them may result in errors, so we do not display those asset slots.

You can find detailed information through Gameplay Template

πŸ“’Guidelines for Iteration Order

When you use the template for Content Creation to iterate on materials, we generally recommend that you follow these steps from the overall structure to the details, ensuring orderly and efficient operations!

1.Gameplay Parameters Adjustment

The gameplay parameters for Content Creation are typically located in the parameter setting area of the core gameplay scene (Scene 1) and can be adjusted directly (a small number of templates may have gameplay parameters within "Global Settings").

πŸ‘‰Related content: Gameplay Parameters - Scene Parameters

2.Scene Adjustment

We suggest deciding at the beginning of the template iteration whether to add new scenes. In principle, additional scenes can be added at the beginning or end without affecting core gameplay, enriching the material's gameplay. You can increase scene(s) through "Create new Scene" or "Duplicate the Scene" based on actual needs.

  • Create new Scene: The new scene is less related to existing scenes and does not require assets from them (e.g., adding an introductory scene at the start or an ending scene focused on product information).

  • Duplicate the Scene: The new scene is closely related to existing ones and requires many assets from them (e.g., using the current scene as a background and adding overlays and settlement information).

πŸ’‘ Steps to Add Different Scenes:

  • Add Introductory Scene: Create new Scene - Move it above all scenes - Create scene content - Set the event "Redirect to the next scene" (i.e., the original Scene 1 of the template).

  • Replace Original Ending Scene: Create new Scene - Move it above the original ending scene of the template - Check this scene as the "Ending Scene" - Create scene content - Set the event to redirect to app store - Enter the original core scene of the template, find the redirect event related to the ending scene in the Event section, and adjust if necessary.

πŸ’‘ Tips: The Presets Library contains many pre-designed page layouts that can be directly added and used!

3.Assets Adjustment

  • Replace Assets: Replace each asset that needs to be retained one by one.

  • Add New Assets: Add the required assets, adjust their positions and sizes, and group similar assets for easier subsequent production.

  • Hide Assets: Hide any unnecessary assets.

  • Adjust Asset Size/Position/Layout (recommended in regular scenes).

⚠️ If there are unnecessary assets, they can be hidden using either "Hide This Layer" or "Set This Layer's Opacity to 0." Do not delete layers casually, as this is likely to cause template errors and prevent normal previewing!

4.Quick layout/Component Adjustment

Some templates contain Quick layout or xx Component, which can be adjusted as needed.

πŸ‘‰Related content: Component & Quick layout

5.Animation Setting

1οΌ‰Adjusting Animation

If you want to adjust the animation of a specific asset in the template, select the asset layer and check the "Animation" section in the parameter settings on the right side to see if there are adjustable animation parameters.

  • If there are animation parameters available, it means they can be adjusted.

  • If there are no animation parameters available, it may be controlled by code and cannot be adjusted.

2οΌ‰Adding New Animation

If needed, you can also add animation to layers or scenes.

3οΌ‰Adjusting Particle Effects

  • You can replace existing particle textures with new ones and adjust particle parameters.

  • You can add new particle effects and adjust their position and size to fit appropriately.

  • Similarly, for particle effects that are not needed, you can hide their layer or adjust the layer's opacity to 0.

πŸ‘‰Related content: Particle Parameters

6. Event Setting

1οΌ‰Modifying Events

Typically, in the core gameplay scene of each template, there are some event parameters available for adjustment.

πŸ’‘ You can determine which effects an event implements by combining the event's name with its corresponding response events. If necessary, you can modify existing events, add new response events, or drag and adjust the order of response events under the corresponding event.

Some layers may also contain events. Similar to animation, if you want to adjust the events in the template, check the "Event" section in the parameter settings on the right side to see if there are adjustable event parameters.

  • If there are event parameters available, they can be adjusted.

  • If there are no event parameters available, it may be controlled by code and cannot be adjusted.

2οΌ‰Adding New Events

If needed, you can also add events to layers.

  • You can directly add response events within existing trigger events.

  • You can also add additional trigger events and response events.

πŸ‘‰Related content: Event - Common Parameters

7. Language Translation

After making the general content adjustments, click on "Global Settings" to modify and add languages.

  • Adjusting Language: Click on the brush icon next to "Default Language" to open the text translation window.

  • Adding Language: Click on "Add Language" in the "Default Language" section to open the text translation window.

The specific operation steps can be viewed through the Multi-language Configuration and Translation

8.Landscape Adaptation

⚠️After completing the vertical adjustments for each scene, remember to make layout and adaptation adjustments for the horizontal orientation (using the "Reuse vertical screen position configuration" button is recommended).

πŸ‘‰Related content: Screen adaptation Creation Tips - Adaptation

9.Overall Preview

Once all adjustments are completed, it's recommended to do an overall preview and playtest for different devices, languages, and screen orientations to ensure everything is correct before finalizing and applying the content or downloading it.

Last updated